Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand…..

Why hello there….it has been a while…but here we are again celebrating at the next level….what we do best!

We were thrilled when a dear friend wanted to have a Yacht Rock themed 40th. It is so much when everyone involved runs (or in this case sails away!) with the theme. The most fun was building the photo booth. A photo booth is such a fun addition to any party and can be super simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. For this project we knew we needed something big, how can you have a yacht rock party and not have a yacht??!! We thought it would be cool to have all the pieces separate so that it gave the photo dimension and wasn’t just a backdrop, we wanted it to be an interactive piece for the guests. We had Redbeard construct the waves and boat out of plywood and the birthday girl’s hubby made the sale out of drop cloth and dowels. Throw on some paint and spray on some stenciling and voila a photo booth! Didn’t the boys do a great job?

Here are some of our fave photos.

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The super cutie birthday girl with her adorable daughter and hubby.

The super cutie birthday girl with her adorable daughter and hubby.

Because seriously, too cute!

Because seriously, too cute!